Welcome to Kolhapur Foundry & Engineering Cluster :
Since long, the Govt. of India have been endeavouring to promote industrial growth in our country, through various types of schemes. However, due to rapid changes and challenges thrown by the "Globalization", the Govt. of India moved further to accelerate the process of industrial development and designed a new scheme viz., Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (I.I.U.S.), under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
The scheme envisages improvement of physical infrastructure in selected industrial locations, which have potential to become globally competitive. Initial instructions of this scheme were received around Jan. 2003.
Since Kolhapur has a strong base of the Foundry and allied Engineering Industries, the Govt. of India were kind enough to select “Kolhapur Foundry and Engineering Cluster”, as one of the clusters to extend the benefits of the new scheme.